CFPOP doesn't create the query given by name="" with updater 7 installed
I had to choose the above platform. it's the nearest to CentOS 5.11 that we actually use. This simpler CFPOP tag still doesn't create a query called 'mail': <cfpop server="xxx" action="getHeaderOnly" username="xxx" password="xxx" name="mail" /> <cfdump var="#mail#" /> You don't even need to enter valid mail server details to trigger this. The above is enough.
Comment by External U.
11/18/2015 07:07:11 GMT
pre-updater 7, you'd get a " Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. This exception was caused by: javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: Authentication failed. <br>The error occurred on line 5. ". This does not happen for updater 7. No packets are even sent to the mail server.
Comment by External U.
11/18/2015 07:17:33 GMT
Comment by External U.
11/18/2015 07:49:42 GMT
The work-around for this issue is to remove the "/" end tag "/" in cfpop tag, it would work. Modified the code : <cfpop server="xxx" action="getHeaderOnly" username="xxx" password="xxx" name="mail"> <cfdump var="#mail#" /> There is already a bug logged for this bug #CF-3969304(though the description of the bug and the behavior is different. These are the side effects of having end tag), which is fixed and would be available in the next update.
Comment by HariKrishna K.
11/18/2015 11:37:48 GMT
But *HANG ON*. This broke in your updater. Whatever you did to break Tom's *production* code needs to be reversed. Pointing to a seven month old ticket you've not dealt with yet and closing this one is not acceptable. You cannot expect people to go revise their codebase because of a cock-up you've introduced in an updater. You need to own it, and you need to *fix it*. And given this was a security update, you need to fix it *ASAP*.
Comment by External U.
11/18/2015 11:52:13 GMT
What other tags are impacted by this change in behaviour ? I'm very wary of updating at this point, which should not be the case with a security update !
Comment by External U.
11/19/2015 05:12:35 GMT
Attached hotfix here.
Comment by Krishna R.
11/19/2015 07:47:52 GMT
This is specific to CFPOP and does not impact any other tag. It got introduced while fixing CF-3969304. You can use the fix that Krishna has attached for now and we would roll it in the next update.
Comment by Rupesh K.
11/19/2015 07:57:39 GMT
I think it would be better to bake this into a re-release of update 7 (called update 8, natch), but can you at least update the release notes of 7 to indicate there's this hotfix? Cheers for quick turn around (and feedback) on this, Krishna & Rupesh
Comment by External U.
11/19/2015 08:06:36 GMT
I can confirm the hotfix reverts to the original correct behaviour and CFPop works again. Thanks for the quick turn around.
Comment by External U.
11/24/2015 05:26:22 GMT
Hey Adobe! This is not acceptable! Push the hotfix out through the update mechanism! We can't expect people to randomly find the fix for this bug through google and/or adam cameron's blog. DO NOT _replace_ update 7, make it update 7.1 or update 8 or something.
Comment by External U.
12/04/2015 10:45:41 GMT
+1 for Adam Tuttle's comment. If it weren't for Adam Cameron's blog, I'd be extremely frustrated right now.
Comment by External U.
03/23/2016 10:21:11 GMT
Hi Adobe, I've verified this is fixed in CF2016 Update 1 (build 2016.0.01.298513). Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by Aaron N.
08/28/2019 18:52:32 GMT
Date Created:
Net Protocols : POP
Failure Type
Found In Build:
Fixed In Build:
Some users will encounter
Linux CentOS 5.3 x86-64
Reason Code:
Vote Comments:
Can't believe I have to come here to find the hotfix for this. Really Adobe? You've got the updater... please use it.
Comment by External U.
03/23/2016 10:19:54 GMT