From Email:-
According to explanation for mask pattern:
"A mask pattern that controls the character pattern that the form displays or allows users to input and sends to ColdFusion."
Now, the patch is only fix the form display. Datatype input and sent to CF is not the same as the user have input in the form.
Regarding mask attribute for cfgridcolumn, we request:
1.the form display should be kept even it is not default format. Note that this is fixed by the patch for 4113472.
2. the input format should be also y/m/d. On current version, input format should be English format like 'September, 2 2005 00:00:00' and it cannot be other format '2005/9/2'.
3. The data format sent to CF should be also y/m/d. On current version, data sent to CF is 'Sat Feb 05 2005 00:00:00 GMT+0900 ' .
To confirm above behavior, please try following steps:
1. Request the attached cfgrid2.cfm on CF11 with the patch hf1100-4113472.jar.
2. Click the cell of "2005/09/02" of "myDate" column.
Observed 1:
Data get English format 'September, 2 2005 00:00:00' from "2005/09/02".
Data cannot be edit in y/m/d or any other format.
3. Edit date from 'September, 2 2005 00:00:00' to 'February, 12 2016 00:00:00'(or any date) by editing or clicking the calender, and click 'submit' button.
See output of MYGRID.MYDATE array:
'Fri Feb 12 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0900'
4. The value still get D/Y/M format which used to be Y/M/D format.
If you change the mask from "Y/m/d" to "y/m/d" as follows:
<cfgridcolumn name="myDate" mask="Y/m/d" type="Date">
<cfgridcolumn name="myDate" mask="y/m/d" type="date">
Then you will see the passed value format becomes D/Y/M format from Y/M/D format...
A mask pattern should be consistent at:
- the character pattern on the form display
- inputting
- data sending to ColdFusion.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4159968
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